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StreetSpace symposia - May 2017

The Culture & Society Cluster of the School of Natural and Built Environment at Queen’s University Belfast held an EXHIBITION AND TWO SYMPOSIA at PLACE, Belfast between the 12th and 22nd of May.

The StreetSpace interdisciplinary project held an exhibition of the work developed in the last 2 years within the project’s Workshops, Conference sessions, Reading group and Master of Architecture studio. The exhibition took place from May 12 to May 22 in PLACE.

On May 12, the Superdiverse Streets Symposium explored a series of case studies in Belfast, Europe and beyond, to discuss and compare research and practice of Streets as superdiverse places. Keynote: Matthew Carmona, Professor of Planning and Urban Design at the Bartlett School of Planning, UCL.

On May 22, the Heritage at Risk Streets Symposium addressed the very pressing issue of the demolition of the built environment of streets in Belfast, Europe and beyond.

New GIS website:

Symposium videos:

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