Exploring Everyday Streets
Workshop - City Hall - 19-20 June 2018
A two day workshop to explore the complexity of local mixed use streets in Belfast. We will explore North Street and Castle Street, and the potential for projects that provide fair, accessible and diverse streets for all. Based on the one year live project between students of the MArch/MSC urban design and regeneration and Department for Communities/Belfast City Council, we will develop a series of activities that will lead us to 6 new maps of North Street and Castle Street.
Exhibition - PLACE – from 22 June 2018
The maps and proposals of the project will be exhibited together with the new set of maps produced in the workshop. The exhibition is free and open to the public.
Tuesday 19th June
9.00 – Registration
9.45 – Opening speech Greg Keeffe
10.00 – Agustina Martire presentation
10.15 – group organisation
10.30 – derive walk
12.30 – Pecha Cucha – 3 talks x 7 minutes
Bedour Hameid – Hamburg/Cairo
David Littlefield ‐ Bristol
Marianna Ascolese ‐ Napoli/London
1.00 – lunch
2.00 – 5.00 – fieldwork in groups
Wednesday 20th June
9.00 – Work in groups – fieldwork + prepare map
12.00 – Pecha Cucha – 3 talks x 7 minutes
Jane Clossick ‐ London
StreetSpace team - Belfast
Darja Marincek ‐ Ljubljana
12.30 – lunch
1.30 – work in groups – prepare map
4.00 – group presentations
5.00 – Reception