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Workshop Content and Methodology


If we study mixed use urban streets beyond the ‘language’ of planning and architecture we may be able to deal with problems of community, class, gender, crime, commerce and consumption, and also culture, performance and ritual in street settings, which tend to be neglected in planning practice.


StreetSpace aims to address the following questions: What makes a good mixed use street? Which are the tangible and intangible elements that enable them to exist? How can different disciplines contribute to their analysis? How can the elements that make good streets be represented beyond the usual tools of built environment professionals?



StreetSpace analyses streets using three different approaches. History, Values and Experiences and Aspirations. Through the interdisciplinary workshops we are able to determine a set of questions that define tangible and intangible heritage, collective memories, uses and meanings of streets .

The workshops normally attract between 20 and 50 participants, depending on the site and venue.

They involve academics, policy makers, students, practitioners and a wider audience.

The workshops so far have involved academics and practitioners from architecture, planning, sociology, anthropology, visual arts, photography, civil engineering, history, geography, heritage and sound art.

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