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M.Arch 2019-2020

StreetSpace Sailortown

In this studio, architecture students are challenged to work in collaboration with the Department for Communities and Belfast City Council to address the area of Sailortown in Belfast and its connection to the City Centre, to the north and to the west. Students are asked to understand its present conditions and its future potential. The first semester will be a collaborative analytical studio where architecture students will work with the partners, collaborators and consultants, investigating the stories, memories and histories that define Sailortown. A trip to Lisbon and collaboration with the department of anthropology will be a testing ground of the methods of investigation, specifically in a comparable urban harbour area affected by deindustrialisation and transport infrastructure. In the second semester, students will produce proposals for Sailortown that will consider and enhance the diversity, vibrancy and spatial quality of the street. These proposals should be feasible, affordable and sustainable, while protecting and enhancing the quality of the existing and new built environment.

StreetSpace Sailortown Newspaper
Billy's Stories
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